the boat (1921) 6.5/10
the cameraman (1928) 8/10
the love nest (1923) 7/10
steamboat Bill, Jr. (1928) 8/10
cabaret (1972) 7.5/10
all that jazz (1979) 8.5/10
lenny (1974) 8.5/10
tango (1998) 8.5/10
shame (1968) 8/10
hours of wolf (1968) 7.5/10
the making of "Fanny and Alexander" (1986) 8.5/10
dark city (1998) 8/10
gattaca (1997) 8/10
a place in the sun (1951) 8.5/10
my darling clementine (1946) 8/10
love me tender (1956) 7.5/10
get shorty (1995) 7/10
be cool (2005) 5/10
the sisterhood of the traveling pants (2005) 7.5/10
willy wonka & the chocolate facotry (1971) 7.5/10
charlie and the chocolate factory (2005) 7.5/10
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004) 8.5/10
the sheltering sky (1990) 6.5/10
xxx 2 (2005) 7/10
Chunhyang (2000) 8/10
my summer of love (2004) 7.5/10
divorce - italian style (1961) 8.5/10
the peacemaker (1997) 8/10
the interpreter (2005) 6.5/10
madagascar (2005) 7.5/10
the manchurian candidate (1962) 8.5/10
the manchurian candidate (2004) 7.5/10
影后Meryl Streep所飾演的 Ms Elenor Shaw 戲份並不多,可能這也是其演出不及1962年版精彩的原因
the myth (2005) 7/10
il mare (2000) 8/10
wicker part (2004) 6/10
cyclo (1995) 7/10
ten minutes older: the cello (2002) 7.5/10
ten minutes older: the trumpet (2002) 7.5/10
fat girl (2001) 7/10
la commare secca (1962) 6/10
swing girls (2004) 7.5/10
before the revolution (1964) 8/10
city of sadness (1989) 9/10
the war of the worlds (1953) 7.5/10
war of the worlds (2005) 8/10
mr & mrs Smith (2005) 7/10
samarian girl (2004) 5/10
此片的最大弊端在於編劇上的漏洞,劇情講述兩女高中生,以援交賺外快,在一次援交時,遇警察搜查,其一女想跳樓逃循,豈知因此身亡,另外一女因而深感內疚,遂按所記錄的聯絡方式,找回曾經援交過的客人,不單將自己的肉體免費任人享用,還將以前所賺的金錢,一一奉回。。。 這種劇情實在讓人感到編劇的弱智,世上什麼事情都可能發生,但電影所編的故事,最好還是要合乎情理,這樣才容易讓人信服,發生共鳴。 (之前所賺得的錢用來做善事不是更能免除內疚感?) 此外片中一中年男子和該女援交後,被該女父親發現,跟踪上其男子寓所,掌摑該男子,並予以責駡,其男子隨後跳樓自殺,這也是很荒誕的編劇,中年男子,並非對世俗一無所知,而且這麼有良知的人,當初還會去接受援交女?
電影是綜合藝術,理論上劇情怎麼寫也可以,但除了 科幻類,奇想類(例如費里尼的八部半) 這些類別的電影,其他電影類別,尤其是劇情片,最好要顧及邏輯性,這樣才容易讓觀眾看得投入。
girl shy (1924) 9/10
the freshman (1925) 8/10
speedy (1928) 9/10
movie crazy (1932) 8/10
the kid brother (1927) 8.5/10
feet first (1930) 8/10
the cat's-paw (1934) 8.5/10
for heaven's sake (1926) 8.5/10
safety last! (1923) 8.5/10
Harold Lloyd 實在好嘢,無論係喜劇片,還是劇情片,都一樣駕御得綽綽有餘,都一樣精采,未睇佢作品之前,單憑此君相貌,覺得其做喜劇唔會點好笑,做戲亦唔會多掂,應該唔會點好睇,但睇完佢 9 部作品之後,不得不寫個 服 字俾佢.
Harold Lloyd, 你係得嘅!
Monsieur Verdoux (1947) 7/10
dear Frankie (2004) 7.5/10
meet me in St. Louis (1944) 7.5/10
easter parade (1948) 8/10
malcom x (1992) 8/10