celine and julie go boating (1974, jacques rivette) 8.5/10
filantropica (2002, nae caranfil) 7/10
the marathon family (1982, slobodan sijan) 7.5/10
neil young: heart of gold (2006, jonathan demme) 8/10
patsy cline remembering patsy (2002, mark hall) 8/10
patsy cline: sweet dreams still (2005, gregory hall) 8/10
12 girls band live in japan (2003, watabe takehiko) 8/10
johnny cash: the man in black - his early years (2005, kevin grace) 8/10
pink floyd: rock review (2005, samuel. M. donald) 8.5/10
pink floyd on the rock trail (2006, liam dale) 8/10
fallen angel (1945, otto preminger) 5/10
幾天方夜譚嘅一部電影,男主角並非俊俏,而且身無分文,憑著三言兩語(其實只是很普通的對話,不是什麼妙語連珠),便可在幾天時間之内,令毫不相識、有點教育程度嘅女子跟他結婚,實在是神話中的神話 (可能連編劇本人事後睇番都唔信)
不過本片有幾處地方,在鏡頭運用上頗見功夫,例如近拍男主角跟意中人吵架,再拉遠鏡頭拍攝意中人乘車遠走,然後再慢慢拉近鏡頭,越過男主角肩膀,拍攝隱藏在暗處偷聽的婦人; 影片早段的跳舞特寫鏡頭拍得唔錯,打光亦打得好
導演 otto preminger 算是 hollywood 出色導演之一,佢嘅 laura (1944)、 anatomy of a murder (1959) 更是我喜愛嘅電影,不過這次受劇本所累,拍不出水準,由此可見,劇本不妥,就算導演出色,結果亦同樣差強人意
high sierra (1941, raoul walsh) 7.5/10
to have and have not (1944, howard hawks) 7.5/10
key largo (1948, john huston) 7.5/10
in a lonely place (1950, nicholas ray) 8/10
pickup on south street (1953, samuel fuller) 5/10
劇本的硬傷,令影片打咗個好大嘅折扣,如果寫劇本的人缺乏一般社會常識,最好都係唔好寫 (尤其係劇情片)
全片唯一嘅睇頭,就係扒手在火車上偷竊嘅過程,唔知 robert bresson 嘅 pickpocket (1959) 係咪受咗呢部戲影響所致
the blues brothers (1980, john landis) 8.5/10
部戲另外嘅睇頭就係有 R&B 傳奇人物 ray charles 同埋靈魂歌后 aretha franklin 客串演出
the pink panther (2006, shawn levy) 4/10
date movie (2006, aaron seltzer) 2/10
scare movie 4 (2006, david zucker) 3.5/10
'breaker' morant (1980, bruce beresford) 8.5/10
gallipoli (1981, peter weir) 7.5/10
the vanishing (1988, george sluizer) 8/10
mysterious skin (2004, gregg araki) 8.5/10
zulu (1964, cy endfield) 8/10
midway (1976, jack smight) 7.5/10
jarhead (2005, sam mendes) 7.5/10
crime and punishment (1983, aki kaurismäki) 8/10
calamari union (1985, aki kaurismäki) 7/10
hamlet goes business (1987, aki kaurismäki) 7.5/10
ariel (1988, aki kaurismäki) 7.5/10
i hired a contract killer (1990 , aki kaurismäki) 5.5/10
同 abbas kiarostami 嘅 taste of cherry (1997) 一樣,都係找人殺掉自己,兩者都有故事上的弱點: 既然有勇氣找人殺掉自己,為何不自己一槍了決,只是拉動一下扳機而已,或者其他簡便的自殺方式也可。 不過 abbas kiarostami 尚且懂得在取景上下功夫,例如蜿蜒的山路、夕陽落日等,豐富了影片的象喻意義,與多位幫手的對話,亦令影片具有哲學思考上的深度,加上 abbas kiarostami 詩意嘅鏡頭語言,令影片抛卻先前所提及的故事弱點,活像一個意味深長嘅伊索寓言故事。
而本片層次較淺,作為劇情片來看,有不合邏輯之處,作為哲學文藝片來看,又覺其膚淺,jean-pierre léaud 的演出亦只是一般,這位演員似乎是越年少越可愛,演技局限在某類角色,不像 al pacino,robert de niro 等長青演員,無論年輕年老,應付各類角色都游刃有餘。
bohemian life (1992, aki kaurismäki) 7.5/10
take care of your scarf, tatiana (1994, aki kaurismäki) 7.5/10
the man without a past (2002, aki kaurismäki) 7/10
aki kaurismäki 的電影風格,值得一讚嘅係不作無謂嘅拖沓,講完想講嘅東西之後,就立刻收筆,因此他的電影,絕大多數片長,都在 90 分鐘之内,有的甚至在 60 分鐘之内,不像有些導演,喜歡作無謂的拖沓,好像如果片長不超過 2 小時,便意味著該片不夠好似的,但其實片長跟影片的内涵,沒有必然的關係,不是影片越長,就一定越有内涵,表達技巧高超的導演,60 分鐘的影片,也一樣可以說出很多事情
a room with a view (1985, james ivory) 7.5/10
the remains of the day (1993, james ivory) 8.5/10
sense and sensibility (1995, ang lee) 8/10
the heiress (1949, william wyler) 8/10
do you remember dolly bell (1981, emir kusturica) 7.5/10
when father was away on business (1985, emir kusturica) 8/10
time of the gypsies (1988, emir kusturica) 8.5/10
出色的導演,就懂得捕捉當地文化特色中有趣嘅一面,這些畫面不但有趣,並且比起不少用特技做出來的畫面,更能抓住觀眾的心,而觀眾看電影時,亦很喜歡看到這些別具生面嘅當地文化特色。 不需要像某部國産電影,花了不少錢整古做怪,出來嘅效果只是麻麻 (有些導演走錯路,學 hollywood 搞特技,耗資巨大嘅同時,效果亦不見得可以拍得住 hollywood,都係拍番具有自己民族特色嘅電影最好,涉及到大量特技嘅電影,都係留番俾 hollywood 去拍,人哋拍出嚟嘅效果真係有型有款)
arizona dream (1993, emir kusturica) 7.5/10
underground (1995, emir kusturica) 8/10
雖然本片有很深層的意義,但喜劇情節的處理,比不上導演多年前舊作 time of the gypsies (1988)
black cat, white cat (1998, emir kusturica) 7/10
life is a miracle (2004, emir kusturica) 8.5/10
tsotsi (2005, gavin hood) 6/10
deliverance (1972, john boorman) 8/10
the ox-bow incident (1943, william A. wellman) 8/10
the caine mutiny (1954, edward dmytryk) 9/10
情節有點雷同 mutiny on the bounty (1935),都係下屬對荒謬艦長忍無可忍,最終反抗褫奪艦長權利,只係人物地點事件不同,但本片嘅軍事法庭答辨一段,比 mutiny on the bounty (1935)精采得多,對於正邪之間亦有較多反思,hollywood 拍法庭答辨戲非常出色,幾個月前睇嘅 inherit the wind (1960),亦有引人入勝嘅法庭答辨戲。
scrooge (1951, brian desmond hurst) 7.5/10
miracle on 34th street (1947, george seaton) 7.5/10
the only son (1936, yasujiro ozu) 8.5/10
the brothers and sisters of the toda family (1941, yasujiro ozu) 8/10
late spring (1949, yasujiro ozu) 8.5/10
good morning (1959, yasujiro ozu) 7.5/10
blood simple. (1984, joel coen, ethan coen) 8/10
雖然是 coen 兄弟首執導演筒之作,但在驚顫氣氛嘅營造上,已經很有造詣
raising arizona (1987, joel coen, ethan coen) 8/10
片中不少情節拍得妙趣橫生,室内追逐部分,鏡頭運用是如此靈活,coen 倆兄弟真係唔嘢少
barton fink (1991, joel coen, ethan coen) 7.5/10
the hudsucker proxy (1994, joel coen, ethan coen) 7.5/10
the boondock saints (1999, troy duffy) 8/10
brick (2005, rian johnson) 6/10
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Movies watched in August
Posted by Tourist at 12:43 AM
Labels: 2006, Viewing Notes