written on the wind (1956, douglas sirk) 8/10
all that heaven allows (1955, douglas sirk) 8.5/10
the ghost and mrs muir (1947, joseph L. mankiewicz) 8/10
the blue angel (1930, josef von sternberg) 8/10
mildred pierce (1945, michael curtiz) 8.5/10
woman of the year (1942, george stevens) 6.5/10
the soft skin (1964, françois truffaut) 7.5/10
the story of adele h (1975, françois truffaut) 7.5/10
the last metro (1980, françois truffaut) 6.5/10
the woman next door (1981, françois truffaut) 7.5/10
confidentially yours (1983, françois truffaut) 7.5/10
the war is over (1966, alain resnais) 8/10
xiao wu (1997, jia zhangke) 8/10
platform (2000, jia zhangke) 8.5/10
unknown pleasures (2002, jia zhangke) 8/10
the world (2004, jia zhangke) 8/10
together (2002, chen kaige) 6/10
yellow earth (1984, chen kaige) 8/10postmen in the mountains (1999, huo jianqi) 8/10
片中有一處小錯誤,故事背景設在八十年代,但收音機卻播出九十年代中期才出現的 That’s why (you go away)
in the heat of the sun (1994, jiang wen) 9/10
the story of qiu ju (1992, zhang yimou) 8.5/10
shanghai triad (1995, zhang yimou) 8.5/10
本片英文名係 shanghai triad,我覺得如果叫 how to lose a boy in 7 days 都幾貼切,純真小孩在七日裡,接受血腥洗禮,曾經滄海難為水,心靈已難復平静
not one less (1999, zhang yimou) 8.5/10
riding alone for thousands of miles (2005, zhang yimou) 7.5/10the temptress (1926, fred niblo) 7/10
flesh and the devil (1926, clarence brown) 8.5/10
雖然部戲都幾 melodrama,但劇情編排頗巧妙,很好地表現了人是情感的動物,水性揚花的女人,可令結拜深交之情也不堪一擊,另外某些畫面構圖亦別出心裁,默片時期有這樣的作品,值得給予高分
queen christina (1933, rouben mamoulian) 7.5/10
camille (1936, george cukor) 6/10
ninotchka (1939, ernst lubitsch) 7.5/10top hat (1935, mark sandrich) 8.5/10
平心而論,呢部戲最多只可以俾 7.5 分,某些情節真係勉強得可以,但係以一般睇戲嘅眼光去評價呢類戲,係有啲唔公平。
或者一般睇戲,習慣以内容,深度方面去評分,但對於歌舞片來講,這種評分準則顯然不適合,因為歌舞片中所謂的劇情,充其量只不過是擔當將許多歌舞場面串連起來的橋樑,如果以内容深度去評分,不少歌舞片的評分可能不高。 因此,評價歌舞片,著眼於舞蹈嘅配合、服飾嘅考究、場景嘅佈置這些方面會較適合。 本片中大多數跳舞場面都是“一舞呵成”,對於舞者雙方嘅默契要求很高,有幾段歌舞直至現在仍是經典,例如 cheek to cheek,更被後來不少電影引用過,譬如 woody allen 嘅 the purple rose of cairo (1985)
ginger rogers 跳舞時嘅露背羽毛服飾,七十年後的今天看來,仍是相當高貴優雅,足見當時嘅服裝設計師功力非凡。
有一些觀眾評論電影時,喜歡單就内容深度方面去評分,對其他方面視而不見,仿似服裝嘅考究,美工嘅精湛等等都係多餘。 咁以後拍戲,大可以少咗個 art department,或者單單就咁講個故事俾觀眾聽就得follow the fleet (1936, mark sandrich) 8/10
shall we dance (1937, mark sandrich) 8.5/10
shall we dance? (1996, masayuki suo) 8/10
the barkleys of broadway (1949, charles walters) 7.5/10
suspicion (1941, alfred hitchcock) 7.5/10
lifeboat (1944, alfred hitchcock) 8/10
the man who knew too much (1956, alfred hitchcock) 8/10
marnie (1964, alfred hitchcock) 7/10
frenzy (1972, alfred hitchcock) 8/10
with a friend like harry (2000, dominik moll) 7.5/10
the guns of navarone (1961, j. lee thompson) 8/10
很聰明的編劇,當 gregory peck 知道隊伍中出現叛徒,經和隊員一番爭吵,最後議決要處死叛徒,gregory peck猶豫不決地拿著手槍,此時該叛徒被打死,但不是被 gregory peck,而是被另一名隊員開槍所殺,這樣的編劇其實很聰明,雖然處死叛徒,於理並無不妥,但該叛徒是女人,並且和 gregory peck 有點感情,如果編劇安排 gregory peck 就這樣活生生把女叛徒打死,儘管合乎道理,但不多不少會予人冷血無情之感,會破壞 gregory peck 多年來所建立的“好好先生”形象(比起現在,那個年代的觀眾和明星對於形象稍為保守一點),但假若劇情安排不處死該叛徒,又會顯得“軍中無法紀”,同樣不妥,所以安排其中一名隊員忍不住開槍最好,既可維持 gregory peck 的正派形象,又使劇情合乎邏輯
the longest day (1962, ken annakin, andrew marton, bernhard wicki) 8.5/10stalingrad (1993, joseph vilsmaier) 8/10
badlands (1973, terrence malick) 9/10
days of heaven (1978, terrence malick) 8.5/10
the thin red line (1998, terrence malick) 8/10
the new world (2005, terrence malick) 7/10
signs of life (1968, werner herzog) 8.5/10
land of silence and darkness (1971, werner herzog) 8/10
the enigma of kaspar hauser (1974, werner herzog) 8/10moolaadé (2004, ousmane sembene) 8/10
my own private idaho (1991, gus van sant) 8.5/10
finding forrester (2000, gus van sant) 6.5/10
配樂方面懶得好緊要,其中一首就咁用番舊片 true romance (1993)中嘅配樂算數(而 true romance 嘅配樂(you’re so cool)又很大嫌疑係抄自 badlands (1973)
elephant (2003, gus van sant) 8.5/10
last days (2005, gus van sant) 7/10
the lady from shanghai (1947, orson welles) 8.5/10
劇情兜來兜去都幾峰迴路轉,orson welles 再一次證明自己係編、導、演俱佳嘅多方面能手
p.s 唔知本片算唔算係第一部出現粵劇演出嘅西片呢
f for fake (1974, orson welles) 8.5/10
mr. arkadin (1955, orson welles) 6/10
the magnificent ambersons (1942, orson welles) 7.5/10
the tragedy of othello: the moor of venice (1952, orson welles) 8.5/10
orson welles 拍攝本片時,在財政緊絀等各種困難處境下,仍然處困不驚,善用靈活腦筋,克服種種難關,使影片保持高水平,實在值得鼓掌
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Movies watched in July
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12:07 AM
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