napoléon (1927, abel gance) 9/10
可惜我評分機制中,最高只有 9 分,沒有 10 分是因為覺得世上沒有絕對完美的東西
van gogh (1991, maurice pialat) 7.5/10
luther (2003, eric till) 7.5/10
dangan runner (1996, sabu) 7.5/10
postman blues (1997, sabu) 6.5/10
monday (2000, sabu) 7/10
a scene at the sea (1991, takeshi kitano) 8/10
sonatine (1993, takeshi kitano) 7.5/10
kids return (1996, takeshi kitano) 8.5/10
fireworks (1997, takeshi kitano) 7/10
kikujiro (1999, takeshi kitano) 7/10
takeshi kitano, l'imprévisible (1999, jean-pierre limosin) 7.5/10
大致上,電影專業出身的導演,對於演員的演出,以及其他各方面,會較為執著,而像北野武這種半途入行嘅導演,較懂得變通maborosi (1995, hirokazu koreeda) 8/10
after life (1998, hirokazu koreeda) 7.5/10
distance (2001, hirokazu koreeda) 7.5/10
hana yori mo naho (2006, hirokazu koreeda) 7/10
schizopolis (1996, steven soderbergh) 7.5/10
undo (1994, shunji iwai) 8/10
picnic (1996, shunji iwai) 8/10
swallowtail (1996, shunji iwai) 6.5/10
april story (1998, shunji iwai) 7.5/10
saw ii (2005, darren lynn bousman) 5/10
saw iii (2006, darren lynn bousman) 6/10
the four feathers (1939, zoltan korda) 8.5/10
1939 年嘅電影可以拍至咁樣嘅水準,現在不少電影都要感到慚愧,尤其是那些常將觀眾當傻瓜嘅電影工作者
david lean 肯定從呢部電影入面偷過師,片中不少場面總令我想起 lawrence of arabia (1962)
bound (1996, wachowski brothers) 8/10
ballad of narayama (1958, keisuke kinoshita) 8.5/10
ballad of narayama (1983, shohei imamura) 6.5/10
如果沒有看過木下惠介版,很可能會為今村昌平版打上 8 分
今村昌平談“性”上癮,總喜愛在他的作品增添“性”元素,他的大部分作品,都有赤裸裸嘅性愛場面,而這部今村版嘅楢山節考,也加入不少“性”元素,並且將不少情節塗上喜劇色彩,將相當悽慘嘅楢山節考作喜劇化處理(雖只是前半部分),雖不能說處理錯誤,但也大大減低故事感染力 (於我而言)。
木下惠介版則由始至終都以較為哀傷嘅筆調來敍述,悲痛溢於言表,場面切換亦考心思,富有舞台劇效果,田中絹代所飾演嘅老嬤嬤,其演出亦非常感人,這些都不是今村昌平版所能比擬的。intentions of murder (1964, shohei imamura) 8/10
the pornographers (1966, shohei imamura) 8.5/10
a man vanishes (1967, , shohei imamura) 8/10
vengeance is mine (1979, shohei imamura) 8/10
why not (1981, shohei imamura) 8.5/10
the eel (1997, shohei imamura) 8.5/10
warm water under a red bridge (2001, shohei imamura) 7.5/10
black rain (1989, shohei imamura) 8/10
dr akagi (1998, shohei imamura) 8/10
hiroshima (2005, paul wilmshurst) 8.5/10
camille claudel (1988, bruno nuytten) 7.5/10
queen margot (1994, patrice chéreau) 8/10
private dicks: men exposed (1999, thom powers) 7/10
i am a sex addict (2005, caveh zahedi) 7/10
inside deep throat (2005, fenton bailey) 7.5/10
deep throat 嘅歷史價值,引用片中論者,一言蔽之:Deep Throat’s legacy goes beyond the sexually saturated culture that surrounds us today and reaches back to the beginnings of a culture war that divides us as never before.rabbit-proof fence (2002, phillip noyce) 7.5/10
intervals (1969, peter greenaway) 6/10
h is for house (1973, peter greenaway) 7/10
windows (1975, peter greenaway) 6/10
water wrackets (1975, peter greenaway) 6/10
dear phone (1977, peter greenaway) 7.5/10
a walk through h (1978, peter greenaway) 7.5/10
vertical features remake (1978, peter greenaway) 8/10
the cook the thief his wife & her lover (1989, peter greenaway) 8.5/10
how to get ahead in advertising (1989, bruce robinson) 8/10
the browning version (1951, anthony asquith) 8/10
the browning version (1994, mike figgis) 7.5/10
後來者 the prime of miss jean brodie (1969)甚至筆鋒一轉,描寫教師對學生嘅不良影響,亦是教師片中嘅傑作samurai I: musashi miyamoto (1954, hiroshi inagaki) 7.5/10
samurai II: duel at ichijoji temple (1955, hiroshi inagaki) 8/10
samurai III: duel on ganryu island (1956, hiroshi inagaki) 7.5/10
sword of the beast (1965, hideo gosha) 7.5/10
samurai spy (1965, masahiro shinoda) 8/10
此片涉及人物之多,角色關係之錯綜複雜,恐怕連日本本土觀眾也未必可以看得輕鬆自在; 片中有決鬥斷手斷腳場面,比 quentin tarantino 嘅 kill bill (2003)早咗接近四十年
the sword of doom (1966, kihachi okamoto) 8/10
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Movies watched in January
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8:08 AM
Labels: 2007, Viewing Notes